Gabriela Rassi

The medium and the material– including my body– function to create meaning. There is no meaning without contradiction, ambiguity or tension. Humans spend a lifetime trying to classify feelings and behaviors through a frame of ethical dichotomy. In this process of embracing desirable emotion and rejecting what is undesirable, one creates internal conflict. These internal points of tension often get lost or digress into abstract or illogical pieces of information. I aim to offer a pathway to these lost pieces by assembling and collaging materials, and mediums. I am interested in the anti-hero, in contradiction, alienation, refusal, in the life-long emotional processing that puts things away; and bringing them forward again into consciousness. I am deeply interested in the phenomenon in which things mutate, disappear, dissipate, become smaller or integrated after they are seen. I am the first viewer, at the end. The work regains its climactic potential when seen again by a new audience.